When you sell cars for a living, you have to make a buck any way you can. The car options and upgrades that dealers offer may add a sweet bonus to a commission and make your ride even sweeter when you choose the right ones. When buying a car, the options to avoid are those that are unnecessary or overpriced.
5. Video System
If you have kids, a video system may be tempting. Consider, however, how much of a video your kid can watch on the way to the grocery store. Also, consider the battle to get your little one out of the car if the video isn’t finished. If you like the idea of a video system for longer rides, forgo the high dealer cost and buy your own rear-seat video system from an electronics store for hundreds of dollars less.
A video system is a car option that might be expensive because you will have a few different options to watch videos in your car. You might need a satellite connection, streaming video services or multiple Blu-Ray or DVD cases. This get can get expensive after a while. The kids in the car might be only watching the video services that you provide them 15%-25% of the time they are in the car.
If you go on long trips a lot, this system might be worth investing in. If not, do not waste your time or money! It will not be worth it in the end.
4. Extended Warranty
Extended warranties typically aren’t worth the cost because newer cars often come with good warranties. It’s better to do your homework and purchase a car that’s known for its reliability, then invest the money you saved in the recommend maintenance that your car needs.
If having an extended warranty gives you peace of mind, skip the third-party warranty source (the dealership) and purchase the extra protection through an independent insurer. Independent insurers can offer bumper-to-bumper protection (similar to the warranty that comes on a brand new car) or protection for specific parts, like the engine, for up to seven years. The amount and type of coverage to purchase depends on your vehicle, needs and budget. Tires are usually the most important thing that should be protected.
A recent survey showed that new car owners usually pay more for coverage than they get in benefits. Extended warranties, therefore, make lots of money back to the dealership. Instead of an extended warranty, we recommend that you create an emergency fund for your car. This makes it so you will be able to pay the price up front if anything goes wrong with the car. You will not have to deal with a warranty plan that will charge you an extra thousand or two.
3. VIN Etching
VIN (vehicle identification number) etching is a service where a dealer etches the car’s VIN number onto all the windows. Experts have shared that insurance agencies and police departments encourage this practice whether you have it done at a dealership or do it on your own. It deters thieves from selling windows and windshields and makes it harder to dispose of the stolen car if the crook doesn’t sell or smash all the windows first.
The reason to skip this option at the dealership is because it can cost you up to $300. Instead of getting this done at the dealer, you can buy a VIN etching kit at an auto parts store. It can cost as little as $20 to do it yourself. The kits come with stencils that you can make on your own or pre-order. You simply affix the stencil (which is a sticker) to the glass and apply a solution that etches the glass, making the process simple and foolproof as long as you follow the manufacturer’s instructions.
2. Undercoating
Undercoating that protects against rust can cost up to $1,200. The truth is that newer cars don’t need this car option because they already use rust-proof materials and come with warranties that cover rust damage. In some cases, an undercoat applied by a third party may void a car’s current corrosion warranty.
Usually, cars are undercoated by a third party. However, dealers still offer to undercoat because they claim it is better for the car. In reality, it has already been done to the car, and you do not need to worry about it! Dealers say that this undercoating will protect your car against the environment, but this is false information. Cars are leaving their plants in better conditions than they have in the past. Run away from this deal if it is presented to you as a car option!
1. Fabric Protection
If you have kids, a dog, or express an interest in outdoor activities, a dealer may push you to add fabric protection. The protection is a spray that can cost you an extra $100 or more, according to Bankrate.com. Many new cars use stain-repelling fabrics, making extra fabric protection unnecessary. When purchasing an older car, you can purchase and apply your own fabric-protection product at an auto parts store or home improvement center.
Many dealers claim that you need fabric protection to protect inside your car longer. The spray costs the dealership basically nothing to complete, but they charge you a lot for it. It is more chemicals that you will be breathing in.
Cars are made at a higher quality than they used to be. There should not be any fabric related issues like stains or tears. If you spill something, try and clean it up right away! Do not pay more for your new car. While there are lots of car options to consider, this isn’t one of them.
Car Insurance Is Not an Option. It’s a Requirement
One thing that you will need when you are buying a car is insurance! Car insurance is essential because it covers expenses for you when you get into an accident, you hurt yourself or others in the car or you hurt someone else in another car.
But what types of car insurance do you need? Check out our car insurance review for information about the best car insurance options and how to pick the right insurance for you.
Buying a Car Can Be Stressful. We Hope These Car Options to Avoid Will Help You!
Do not believe everything a dealership tells you. They are desperate to make a profit. Remember to take time to think about all of your options! Click the next button to see the best sites to find auto parts on now! You will not be sorry!